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MapStore Authentication - Implementation Details

In this section you can see the implementation details about the login / logout workflow implemented by MapStore.

Standard MapStore login

Configure session timeout

By default MapStore session token lives 24 hours and the refresh token last forever. On application reboot anyway all the tokens are cancelled. In order to change these default. the administrator can change these defaults by adding to file the following properties:

# Session timeout
restSessionService.sessionTimeout=60 #in seconds


  • restSessionService.sessionTimeout refers to session token expiration time (by default it’s 24 hours)
  • restSessionService.autorefresh refers to flag configured to handle automatic refresh process in the backend, enabling/disabling the refresh token usage:
  • when set to false, it avoids the use of refresh token after the session token has expired, meaning, after the timeout the user will have to reconnect
  • when set to true, the refresh token is used and the session extends every time the session timeout is met


sessionTimeout and autorefresh in are valid for the default session storage. If you are using openID or keycloak, they will not be used.

Additionally, on the client side, in order to configure the interval in which is session refresh action is fired, one can use the tokenRefreshInterval property. It can be configured via localConfig.json -> tokenRefreshInterval, the value is in milliseconds.

  tokenRefreshInterval: 60000 // default 30 seconds

When the above configured Session timeout is in place, the client can exhibit two behaviors based on the tokenRefreshInterval configured on the client side, Disabling the refresh token (setting restSessionService.autorefresh to false) the administrator can use sessionTimeout and tokenRefreshInterval to limit the session duration this way:

  • when tokenRefreshInterval is less than sessionTimeout configured (e.g tokenRefreshInterval is 30 seconds and sessionTimeout is 24 hours)
  • when application is in use, the client performs a refresh token call before the expiring time and session is prolonged
  • when the application is closed (i.e for any reason) and reopened after sessionTimeout configured, the client cannot perform refresh token call within the timeout window and hence the session expires and the user is asked to reconnect
  • when tokenRefreshInterval is greater than sessionTimeout configured
  • the session expires anyway before the refresh and the client is unable to perform the refresh activity within the configured time interval. The user will have to re-authenticate. In this case the two configuration should be nearly the same value, 30 seconds of difference, for example. This helps the client to perform the refresh activity immediately after the session expires to log out the user.

OpenID MapStore Login