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Building and deploying

To create the final war, you have several options:

  • full build (including all tests, syntax checks, frontend, backend and documentation):

./ [version_identifier] [profiles]

Where version_identifier is an optional identifier of the generated war that will be shown in the settings panel of the application and profiles is an optional list of comma delimited building profiles (e.g. printing, ldap, binary)

  • separated builds (skipping all the tests and checks, mainly for development purposes):
# build the front-end
npm run fe:build

# build the back-end, including the front-end parts build in the previous command
mvn clean install -Dmapstore2.version=[version_identifier] [profiles]

In this case we have 2 separated commands that can be run separately, for instance if you are working on back-end only, so you don't need to re-compile the front-end part every time.

Building the documentation

MapStore generates 2 types of documentation:

  • JSDoc: generated from source code, provides a reference of the API and for the plugins configurations
  • MkDocs: generated from markdown files, provides guides for the developers and users

API and Plugins documentation (JSDoc)

The API and plugins documentation is automatically generated using docma. Docma parses the JSDoc comments in the source code and generates a static HTML documentation.

Refer to the existing files to follow the documentation style of various parts of the application:

Please see for further information about how to write proper documentation in JSDoc.

To install docma:

npm install -g docma

While developing you can generate the documentation to be accessible in the local machine by:

npm run jsdoc:test

The resulting doc will be accessible from http://localhost:8081/mapstore/docs/

For the production deploy a different npm task must be used:

npm run jsdoc:build

The documentation will be accessible from the /mapstore/docs/ path

The generated folders can be removed with:

npm run jsdoc:clean

Users and developers documentation (MkDocs)


Make sure to install the proper python dependencies for Mkdocs. See the dedicated page here

Build the mkdocs and generate md files to test in local machine by:

npm run doc:build

Start the built-in dev-server of mkdocs to preview and test documentation live by:

npm run doc:start

Understanding frontend building tools

Frontend building is delegated to NPM and so leverages the NodeJS ecosystem.

In particular:

Including the printing engine in your build

The printing module is not included in official builds by default.

To build your own version of MapStore with the this module, you can use the printing profile running the build script:

./ [version_identifier] printing

For more information or troubleshooting about the printing module you can see the dedicated section