Resource Properties
In order to customize the properties of a resource, the Admin or a normal user with permission can access the Edit properties window from the Edit properties button in Homepage or from the Save and the Save as buttons inside the resource viewer.
Through the Edit properties window the user can perform the following operations:
- Add an image as a Thumbnail dropping it or clicking inside the Thumbnail box.
The image to be added must not be larger than 500 kb and its best dimensions are 300x180 px. The supported formats are jpg
(or jpeg
) and png
- Add a Name and a Description
The name of a resource is the only mandatory field. Note that is not allowed to choose a name that has already been assigned to another resource.
Enable the Unadvertised option to make the owner of the resource or the MapStore admin the only ones who can see and search that resource in the Home Page or in the Map Catalog tool.
Add a Permission rule
Add Details (only for Maps and Dashboard)
Once a resource is saved, the Edit properties panel shows the creation and the last modification dates. An example in the image below:
Admin users can also see who created and modified the resource. An example in the image below:
Permission rules
In the Add a rule... section you can set one ore more permission rules in order to allow a group to access the resource. In particular it is possible to choose between a particular group of authenticated users or the everyone group that includes all authenticated users but also anonymous users (more information about different user types can be found in Homepage section).
Moreover it is possible to choose between two different ways with which the selected group can approach the resource:
View the map and save a copy
Edit the map and re-save it
In order to add a rule, the user can select the group and set permissions inside the Add a rule... section. Once the rule is set, with the Add button it is possible to add it to the Permissions Groups list.
For example, a resource that can be seen by everyone, should have a rule like the following:
Once a rule is set, the user can always remove it through the Remove button .
How to manage users and groups is a topic present in the Managing Users and Managing Groups sections.
Only for resources of type map and dashboard, it is possible to add details as additional information in form of descriptive content for the resource itself. This is useful to associate some information to the resource and provide an overview of its content. In this case the Edit properties window is the following:
With a click on the Add new details button a panel opens and the user can write the details of the resource.
The text can be edited and some links and images can be added through the Text Editor Toolbar.
Once the editing is done, the map details can be saved with the Save button and other buttons appear on the Edit properties panel.
Here, the user is allowed to:
Show the details preview
Edit the details
Enable the Show as modal
button, to show the details on a modal when the user clicks on
button, which is listed in the Side Toolbar options
If the Show as modal button is not activated once the user opens the About this map button, the details are displayed on a panel.
The About this map button is visible in the Side Toolbar only when the details are present on the map.
Enable the Show at startup
button. If active, when the user opens a resource with defined details, these are visualized in a descriptive panel.
Delete the details sheet
Once the details are saved, the Show details button appears also on the map card in Homepage
Through this, it is possible to open the details panel also from the home page.