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MapStore filters

Mapstore filtering system is trying to allow to accomplish the following goals:

  • Support for multiple filters standards (CQL, OGC)
  • Support for multiple filter types (spatial, temporal, attribute, etc.)
  • Support for future filter standards.
  • Allow to be handled independently from the data source (WFS, WMS, etc.)
  • Allow to leave the entry points to manage them programmatically.

For this reason, MapStore stores internally a filter object that is a JSON object that can be serialized in different formats (CQL, OGC, etc.) and can be used to filter data sources. This is the internal filtering system used by mapstore, that can be for instance in layerFilters in the layer object


mapstore Format

This JSON object is a container that has this shape:

    "format": "mapstore",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "filters": [],
    // ...other fields

By default all the filters contained in the "filters" array are combined with an AND operator. Every filter in the array is a JSON object that can be serialized in different formats (CQL, OGC, etc.). Each of them is a JSON object that must have the format value, to be recognized and properly converted,

All the filters in filters array will have at least a format field and an optional id attribute reserved, that can be used to identify the filter from a component that wants to use it.

Filters in the filters array can be combined with a logic operator (AND, OR), in this case the filter object must have the logic format. Moreover they can be of mapstore format too.


For backward compatibility, the filter object without the "format" field is considered as "mapstore" format, version "1.0.0".


For backward compatibility, the filters "mapstore" of version "1.0.0" can contain also several other fields that will be deprecated in the future in favor of a mapstore-query-panel format, that is the format used by the query panel, and currently mostly supported in MapStore. So a filter like this is still valid:

    "format": "mapstore",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "groupFields": [],
    "spatialField": {
        "method": "BBOX",
        "attribute": "the_geom",
        "operation": "INTERSECTS",
        "geometry": {
            "type": "Polygon",
            "coordinates": [[[12.5,41.5], [12.5,  42.5], [13.5,42.5], [13.5, 41.5], [12.5,41.5]]]
    "filterFields": [{
        "attribute": "name",
        "operator": "=",
        "type": "string",
        "value": "test"

logic format

In order to allow to create complex filters, MapStore allows to combine filters with a logic operator (AND, OR). The logic format is a JSON object that has this shape:

    "format": "logic",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "logic": "AND",
    "filters": []

cql format

The cql format is a JSON object that has this shape:

    "format": "cql",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "body": "..."

!!! Note: MapStore actually supports only a subset of CQL, that is the one used by GeoServer.

mapstore-query-panel format

The mapstore-query-panel format is a JSON object that has this shape:

    "format": "mapstore-query-panel",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "groupFields": [],
    "spatialField": {},
    "filterFields": [],
    "crossLayerFilter": {},


Now it do not have an implementation yet, but this format will replace the old legacy 'mapstore' fields in the future.

Supporting new formats

At the moment the filter conversion system is a work in progress. The API may change in the future, keeping the canConvert and getConverter functions as external API. We actually support cql and ogc as output formats (as strings), and cql (partially, cannot parse spatial filters in cql yet), mapstore and logic as input formats (as JSON objects with format as written above). At the moment we don't have an internal model for a filter to use as intermediate model, but a set of converters in MapStore2/web/client/utils/filter/converters/index.js file. The converter object is an object that implements a method for each format that you want to support, with the following signature:

    [format]: (filter::Object, options) => filter


    ogc: (filter::Object, options) => filter::String,
    cql: (filter::Object, options) => filter::String

options depends on the specific output format, but it can be used to pass additional parameters to the converter. For instance the cql convert has no options, but the ogc converter has an options object that can contain the nsFilter field, that is the srs of the geometry to be used in the filter. See the JSDoc of the ogc converter for more details.

These methods will translate the JSON objects received as input (or in same cases the effective body of the filter) in the format specified in the method name. Future converters (maybe with a more generic method) will be added to support other formats, if needed.

Javascript API exposed by MapStore to manage filters is in MapStore2/web/client/utils/filter/converters.

the functions are:

getConverter(format::String) // return the converter for the specified format

The converter depends on the specific output format, but

canConvert(from::Object|String, to::Object) // return true if the filter can be converted in the specified format


Because there is not a generic converter, the from parameter can be a string or an object. If it is a string, it is considered as the format of the filter, otherwise it is considered as the filter object.

Appendix A: mapstore format legacy fields

mapstore-query-panel will include all the legacy fields of the mapstore format, that will be deprecated in the future. For backward compatibility, the mapstore format will be still supported, but needs tp be converted into mapstore-query-panel format.

Here a full example of the current content stored in layerFilter object, with all the legacy fields:

"layerFilter": {
    "searchUrl": null,
    "featureTypeConfigUrl": null,
    "showGeneratedFilter": false,
    "attributePanelExpanded": true,
    "spatialPanelExpanded": true,
    "crossLayerExpanded": true,
    "showDetailsPanel": false,
    "groupLevels": 5,
    "useMapProjection": false,
    "toolbarEnabled": true,
    "groupFields": [
            "id": 1,
            "logic": "OR",
            "index": 0
            "id": 1671785737915,
            "logic": "OR",
            "groupId": 1,
            "index": 1
    "maxFeaturesWPS": 5,
    "filterFields": [
            "rowId": 1671785736331,
            "groupId": 1,
            "attribute": "LAND_KM",
            "operator": ">",
            "value": 1000000,
            "type": "number",
            "fieldOptions": {
                "valuesCount": 0,
                "currentPage": 1
            "exception": null
            "rowId": 1671785739355,
            "groupId": 1671785737915,
            "attribute": "STATE_NAME",
            "operator": "=",
            "value": "Alabama",
            "type": "string",
            "fieldOptions": {
                "valuesCount": 0,
                "currentPage": 1
            "exception": null,
            "loading": false,
            "options": {
                "STATE_NAME": []
            "openAutocompleteMenu": false
            "rowId": 1671785746696,
            "groupId": 1671785737915,
            "attribute": "STATE_NAME",
            "operator": "=",
            "value": "Arizona",
            "type": "string",
            "fieldOptions": {
                "valuesCount": 0,
                "currentPage": 1
            "exception": null,
            "loading": false,
            "options": {
                "STATE_NAME": []
            "openAutocompleteMenu": false
    "spatialField": {
        "method": "BBOX",
        "operation": "INTERSECTS",
        "geometry": {
            "id": "aefadb00-829f-11ed-b555-8bd9209cf0fa",
            "type": "Polygon",
            "extent": [
            "center": [
            "coordinates": [
            "style": {},
            "projection": "EPSG:3857"
        "attribute": "the_geom"
    "simpleFilterFields": [],
    "crossLayerFilter": {
        "attribute": "the_geom",
        "collectGeometries": {
            "queryCollection": {
                "typeName": "gs:us_states",
                "filterFields": [
                        "rowId": 1671785795624,
                        "groupId": 1,
                        "attribute": "STATE_NAME",
                        "operator": "=",
                        "value": "Alabama",
                        "type": "string",
                        "fieldOptions": {
                            "valuesCount": 0,
                            "currentPage": 1
                        "exception": null,
                        "loading": false,
                        "openAutocompleteMenu": false,
                        "options": {
                            "STATE_NAME": []
                        "rowId": 1671785801840,
                        "groupId": 1,
                        "attribute": "STATE_NAME",
                        "operator": "=",
                        "value": "Arizona",
                        "type": "string",
                        "fieldOptions": {
                            "valuesCount": 0,
                            "currentPage": 1
                        "exception": null,
                        "loading": false,
                        "openAutocompleteMenu": false,
                        "options": {
                            "STATE_NAME": []
                "geometryName": "the_geom",
                "groupFields": [
                        "id": 1,
                        "index": 0,
                        "logic": "OR"
        "operation": "INTERSECTS"
    "autocompleteEnabled": true