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Styling and Theming

The look and feel is completely customizable either using one of the included themes, or building your own. Themes are built using less.
You can find the default theme here:

Custom theme for a downstream project

In a MapStore downstream project normally the theme configuration is placed in the themes/ directory

Styles can be overridden declaring the same rules in a less module placed in a new project.

Below steps to configure a custom theme to override styles of the default theme:

  • add the following files to the themes folder of the project:
+-- themes/
|   +-- default/
|       +-- less/
|           +-- my-custom-module.less
|       +-- theme.less
|       +-- variables.less
  • import in theme.less all the needed less module
@import "../../MapStore2/web/client/themes/default/theme.less";
@import "./variables.less";
@import "./less/my-custom-module.less";
  • update webpack configuration to use the custom style (webpack.config.js, prod-webpack.config.js)
module.exports = require('./MapStore2/build/buildConfig')({
        '__PROJECTNAME__': path.join(__dirname, "js", "app"),
        '__PROJECTNAME__-embedded': path.join(__dirname, "MapStore2", "web", "client", "product", "embedded"),
        '__PROJECTNAME__-api': path.join(__dirname, "MapStore2", "web", "client", "product", "api")
-   themeEntries,
+   themeEntries: {
+       "themes/default": path.join(__dirname, "themes", "default", "theme.less")
+   },
  • update variables.less to override existing variables
/* change primary color to blue */
@ms-primary: #0000ff;
  • update my-custom-module.less to override existing rules or add new rules
/* change the background color of the page*/
.page {
    background-color: #d9e6ff;

Custom theme for contexts

You can configure a list of themes to be used inside a context.

In order to do that you have to:

  • create the themes in the themes/ folder as described below
  • edit ContextCreator plugin in the localConfig.json


    "name": "ContextCreator",
    "cfg": {
        "documentationBaseURL": "",
        "backToPageDestRoute": "/context-manager",
        "backToPageConfirmationMessage": "contextCreator.undo",
        "themes": [{
                "id": "complete-theme-override",
                "type": "link",
                "href": "dist/themes/complete-theme-override.css",
                "defaultVariables": {
                    "ms-main-color": "#000000",
                    "ms-main-bg": "#FFFFFF",
                    "ms-primary-contrast": "#FFFFFF",
                    "ms-primary": "#078aa3",
                    "ms-success-contrast": "#FFFFFF",
                    "ms-success": "#398439"
                "id": "partial-theme-override",
                "type": "link",
                "href": "dist/themes/partial-theme-override.css"
                "id": "only-css-variables",
                "type": "link",
                "href": "dist/themes/only-css-variables.css"
        "basicVariables": {
            "ms-main-color": "#000000",
            "ms-main-bg": "#FFFFFF",
            "ms-primary-contrast": "#FFFFFF",
            "ms-primary": "#078aa3",
            "ms-success-contrast": "#FFFFFF",
            "ms-success": "#398439"

for each theme you can define:

  • id id of the theme equal to its name
  • type values can be
  • link will require a href property
  • href path to find the css once built
  • defaultVariables variables of the theme used to initialize the pickers (optional)

basicVariables these are the variables used as default values if a theme is not selected (optional)

Suggested ways to create a custom theme for a context

Complete theme override

This example will create a complete css file and is not recommended if you want a light version and you just need to customize the variables (for this check next paragraph)

Add the following files to the themes folder of the project

+-- themes/
|   +-- theme-name/
|       +-- theme.less
|       +-- variables.less

in theme.less put

 * This example will contain a complete mapstore theme with some customization
 * it will be selectable inside context theme step selector

 * it includes the main theme and this will recompile the whole theme
@import "../../MapStore2/web/client/themes/default/theme.less";

 * it includes some changes to css variables
@import "./variables.less";

* Note: You can always expand it with new less/css rules

in variables.less you can put the mapstore variables customizations

 * A variable that will override the default css one
@ms-primary: #2E13FE;

Only css variables

This example is perfect if you just want to customize a few colors of the theme

+-- themes/
|   +-- theme-name/
|       +-- theme.less
|       +-- variables.less

in theme.less put

 * This example is the lightest version of all three examples
 * it will be selectable inside context theme step selector
 * this examples is limited to changing the css variables only,
 * but you can always expand it as we did for partial-theme-override

 * This will import as (reference)
 * It's used to import external files, but without adding the imported styles
 * to the compiled output unless referenced.
@import (reference) "../../MapStore2/web/client/themes/default/theme.less";

 * it includes some changes to css variables
@import "./variables.less";

 * this will create only one class with the :root selector inside
 * it's important to place the variable overrides before calling the css-variable mixin generator
 * which is called .get-root-css-variables

* Note: You can always expand it with new less/css rules

In the variables.less you can do put your variable customizations

partial theme override

+-- themes/
|   +-- theme-name/
|       +-- less/
    |       +-- plugin-name.less
 * We can use this method when we want to customize some part of the theme
 * without the need to include the theme in its completeness

 * here you can apply some other overrides, like the size of thumbnails for backgrounds
@import "./less/drawer-menu.less";

* Note: You can always expand it with new less/css rules

Note: These three styles are an example on how is possible to approach on the mapstore customizations. You could extend/combine them together to create a more complex theme.


  • When you develop locally
  • and you want to reduce the building time
  • and you don't need themes that are not the default theme
  • then you can comment this in the webpack-config.js
        ["themes/default"]: path.join(__dirname, "themes", "default", "theme.less")
        ["themes/complete-theme-override"]: path.join(__dirname, "themes", "complete-theme-override", "theme.less"),
        ["themes/partial-theme-override"]: path.join(__dirname, "themes", "partial-theme-override", "theme.less"),
        ["themes/only-css-variables"]: path.join(__dirname, "themes", "only-css-variables", "theme.less")

Structure of .less files

Each less file that represent a MapStore plugin or component is composed by two sections:

  • Theme section includes all the styles and classes that should change based on css variables. All the new declared selector must be included in a special function called #ms-components-theme. The #ms-components-theme function provide access to all the available variables of the theme via the @theme-vars argument.

  • Layout section includes all the styles and classes that should not change in a simple customization.


// **************
// Theme
// **************
#ms-components-theme(@theme-vars) {
    // here all the selectors related to the theme
    // use the mixins declared in the web/client/theme/default/less/mixins/css-properties.less
    // to use one of the @theme-vars

    // eg: use the main background and text colors to paint my plugin
    .my-plugin-class {

// **************
// Layout
// **************

// eg: fill all the available space in the parent container with my plugin
.my-plugin-class {
    position: absolute;
    height: 100%;
    width: 100%;

// here


MapStore uses basic less variables to change theme colors, buttons sizes and fonts. It possible also to override bootstrap less variable for advanced customization. Basic variables can be found in the ms-variable.less file

New declarations in MapStore should have the following structure:

global: @ms-rule-value

local: @ms-name-of-plugin--rule-value

  • @ms suffix for MapStore variable
  • name-of-plugin for local variable it's important to write the name of plugin in kebab-case
  • rule-value value to use in compiled CSS, some examples:
  • color generic color variable
  • text-color color for text
  • background-color color for background
  • border-color color for border

less/ directory

The less/ directory contains all the modules needed to create the final CSS of MapStore.

Each file in this directory is related to a specific plugin or component and the files are named based on the plugin's name are referring to.

common.less file can be used for generic styles.

inline styles

Inline styles should be applied only for values that change dynamically during the lifecycle of the application, all others style should be moved to the related .less file.

The main reason of this choice is to allow easier overrides of styles in custom projects.