Writing Epics
Most of the asynchronous operations we are doing in MapStore2 are implemented using epics. This guide gives the developer the base concepts about epics and provides the best practices to write and add your epics to a MapStore2 project.
Base Concepts
Epics are the core element of the redux middleware called redux-observable. redux-observable is based on RxJS.
RxJS is a library for reactive programming using Observables, to make it easier to compose asynchronous or callback-based code.
stream The concept of stream is "sequence of data made available over time.".
a, b, c, d are emitted values
X is an error
| is the 'completed' signal
---> is the timeline
Observable is the core entity of RxJS and, more generically, of the whole reactive programming paradigm. Basically it is an entity that emits events and can be subscribed to, so that subscribers can intercept the events emitted. This is the entity that implements the concept of stream (so stream and Observable are almost used as synonym).
Subscribing to observables can be hard, so RxJs provides a lot of operators to help manipulating and combining observables (so, streams). Here an example of how operators allow manipulating an event stream to count clicks:
clickStream: ---c----c--c----c------c--> <-- Stream of clicks
vvvvv map(c becomes 1) vvvv <-- operator that transforms each event into a `1`
---1----1--1----1------1--> <-- new stream returned by the operator
vvvvvvvvv scan(+) vvvvvvvvv <-- operator that does the sum
counterStream: ---1----2--3----4------5--> <-- click count stream returned by the operator
The final stream can be finally subscribed to update, for instance, a counter on the UI.
At the time of writing this documentation MapStore2 is using RxJS 5.1.1 and redux-observable 0.19.0. So make you sure to check the correct documentation about the current versions of these libraries.
What is an epic
An epic is basically nothing more than:
a function that returns a stream of redux actions to emit.
A simple epic in mapstore can be this one:
const fetchUserEpic = (action$, store) => action$
.filter(() => isMapLoadConfigurationEnabled(store.getState()))
message: "Map Loaded"
The epic function has 2 arguments:
: the stream of redux actions. Every time an action is triggered through redux, it is emitted as an event on theaction$
. A small version of the redux store, that contains essentially only one important method calledgetState()
. This method returns the current redux state object.
This function must return a new stream that emits the actions we want to dispatch to redux. The redux-observable middleware subscribes to the action streams returned by the epics so the actions will be automatically triggered on redux.
NOTE: redux-observable middleware is already added to the MapStore2's StandardStore and StandardApp, so a developer should only take care of creating his own epics and add them to MapStore.
Typically the stream returned by an epic is always listening for new actions and dispatches other actions:
actions in, actions out.
Let's analyze the epic reported as first example:
It returns a stream ( arrow function (=>
) implicit return) manipulating the action$
stream. It first filters out all the unwanted actions catching only the MAP_CONFIG_LOADED
action types, then another filter checks the state to verify some condition (typically a selector
can be used to check the state).
NOTE: redux-observable adds an operator to rxjs called
that simply filters the actions of certain types, passed as argument, but it is not a part of standard RxJS operators.
The events that passed the 2 filters then hit the map
operator. The map operator simply returns the (action) object:
message: "Map Loaded"
This object will be emitted on the returning stream and so the action will be triggered in redux.
Of course instead of emitting the plain object, you can use an action creator, like this:
const notifyMapLoaded = (action$, store) => action$
.filter(() => isMapLoadConfigurationEnabled(store.getState()))
message: "Map Loaded"
Create complex data flows triggered by actions
Typical operators to start creating a complex data flow are:
The base concept of all these solutions is to create one or more new streams (using a function passed as argument) and then emit the events on the final Observer.
Note: Creating Higher order observables (that are basically streams of streams) and merging their events is a common pattern in RxJs, so, mergeMap and switchMap are simpler shortcuts to increase readability and maintainability of the code:
- mergeMap() is just map() + mergeAll()
- switchMap() is just map() + switch().
const countDown = action$ => action$
.switchMap( ({seconds}) =>
.map( (value) => updateTime(seconds - value))
.takeUntil(Rx.Observable.timer(seconds * 1000))
---{seconds: 5}------------------------> action in
vv switchMap vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
--------------{5}--{4}--{3}--{2}--{1}--> action out
In this epic, every time START_COUNTDOWN
action is performed, the switchMap
operator's argument function will be executed. The argument function of switchMap
must return an Observable. Every value emitted on this stream will be projected on the main flow.
So on the first START_COUNTDOWN
the timer starts (Rx.Observable.interval(1000)
). The timer will emit an incremental value (0, 1, 2, ...) every 1000 milliseconds. This value is used to trigger another action to emit on redux (using an action creator called updateTime
, for instance).
At the end the stream will be closed after the n seconds because of the takeUntil:
.takeUntil(Rx.Observable.timer(seconds * 1000))
unsubscribes the observable when the stream passed as function emits a value.
operator unsubscribes its observable ( so stops getting events from it ) even if another event comes on the main stream (so in this case another START_COUNTDOWN
---{seconds: 5}------{seconds: 5}-----------------------> action in
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv switchMap vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
--------------{5}-{4}----------{5}--{4}--{3}--{2}--{1}--> action out
If you don't want to stop listening you may need to use mergeMap
Imagine to have to modify the epic above to manage many countdowns, identified by an id
. In this case a START_COUNTDOWN event should not stop the ones already started. You can do it using mergeMap
const countDown = action$ => action$
// mergeMap do not stops the flows already created.
.mergeMap( ({seconds, id}) => // the id of the new countdown is in the action
// emit an action that updates the coundown for the specific id
.map( (value) => updateTime(seconds - value, id))
.takeUntil(Rx.Observable.timer(seconds * 1000))
In this case the streams will look like this:
---{sec: 5,id: A}----{sec: 5, id: B}-----------------------------> action in
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv switchMap vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
...............A....A....A....A...B...A...B....B....B....B........ id
--------------{5}--{4}--{3}--{2}-{5}-{1}-{4}--{3}--{2}--{1}-------> value
Doing AJAX
Ajax calls in MapStore should all pass by libs/ajax.js
. This is an axios
instance that adds the support for using proxies or CORS.
Axios is a library that uses ES6 Promises to do ajax calls. Luckily RxJs allows to use Promises instead of streams in most of the cases. In the other cases, there is a specific operator called defer
that you can use to wrap your Promise into a stream.
NOTE: It is perfectly normal to consider the concept of Promise as a special case of a stream, that emit only one value, then closes.
So, every time you have to do an ajax call, you will need to use axios:
Example with defer
const axios = require('../libs/ajax');
const fetchDataEpic = (action$, store) => action$
Rx.Observable.defer(() => axios.get("MY_DATA")) // defer gets a function
map(response => dataFetched(response.data))
Epic state: muted / unmuted
All the epics attached to plugins or extension will be registered once plugin is loaded.
Each registered epic can be in one of two possible states:
muted: no reaction to the actions that comes in unmuted: reacting to the listed actions
Whenever new epic is registered it will be in unmuted state by default.
Epic will become muted whenever there is no plugin/extension on the page listing that specific epic in plugin definition. In other words, if there are
, both are adding epic calledtestEpic
and both plugin and extension are not added to the current page plugins in pluginsConfig, then epic will become muted.
Muted epics: how to mute internal streams
MapStore will mute all the epics whenever corresponding plugin or extension is not rendered on the page. Though, it might be the case that one of your epics will return internal stream, like in example below:
export const dummyEpic = (action$, store) => action$.ofType(ACTION)
.switchMap(() => {
return Rx.Observable.interval(1000)
.switchMap(() => {
return Rx.Observable.empty();
In this case, internal stream should be muted explicitly.
Each epic receives third argument type of object, having property called pluginRenderStream$
Combined with semaphore
it allows to mute internal stream whenever epic is muted:
export const dummyEpic = (action$, store, { pluginRenderStream$ }) => action$.ofType(ACTION)
.switchMap(() => {
return Rx.Observable.interval(1000)
.switchMap(() => {
return Rx.Observable.empty();