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Sharing Resources

MapStore provides the possibility to share resources (maps, dashboards and geostories) through two different ways:

  • Directly from the MapStore Homepage by clicking on the Share button present in the toolbar of each resource card

  • Inside the resource by selecting the option from the Side Toolbar

From the Share panel the user is allowed to share a resource in different ways:

  • With a Direct Link

  • Through a Social Network

  • Through a Permalink to shares current user session (only available from the Side Toolbar)

  • With Embedded code or APIs (only available for maps)

As soon as the Share panel opens, the Link section is the one visible by default:

Here, the user can copy the resource URL link or share it through the QR code.


The Social section allows the user to share the resource on the most common social networks like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn simply by clicking on the social icon.

The Permalink section allows to save the current overall viewer state of the resource and share it as a permalink.

A permalink is a new resource belonging to a dedicated category in MapStore for which the user must enter the Title and Description (the last one is not mandatory) and choose whether the resource will be public by checking the Public option (this will generate a public map permalink so that everyone can access it).


Map Details as well as other resources connected to a map or context, if present, will not be available in the final permalink resource.

When all options are filled, the user can Generate permalink through the button to get the Permalink URL or the QR code to share it.


The Embed section provides to the user the needed snippets, embedded code or the MS APIs (only available for maps) to embed MapStore in a third party web page.

In addition, MapStore provides options to customize a bit the embedded code:

  • The user can configure height and width of the embedded resource by choosing Small (600x500), Medium (800x600), Large (1000x800) and Custom (it is possible to choose the desired size).

  • For maps, the user can choose to show the TOC in the embedded map by enabling the Shown TOC option

  • For dashboards, the user can show the connections between widgets on the embedded dashboard by enabling the Show connections

Advanced options

Some Advanced options are available for maps and geostories inside the Share tool.


Some Advanced options are available only opening Share tool from the Side Toolbar and not from the MapStore home page.

Advanced options for sharing maps

In case of maps, enabling the Advanced options in the Share tool the user can include the following to the share URL:

  • The bounding box parameter to share the current viewport of the map visualized by the user

  • The desired center and zoom of the map by enabling the Add center and zoom

The related available options allow the user to:

  • Center the shared map to specific coordinates by typing them in two different formats (Decimal or Aeronautical that can be chosen through the button) or by clicking on the map to set automatically the coordinate fields.

  • Share the map at a specific Zoom level (Min:1 and Max:35)

  • Add marker on loaded map to show the center point in the shared map

Advanced options for sharing 3D maps

Once the 3D Navigation is active on map, the user can include the following to the share URL by enabling the Advanced options in the Share tool:

  • The desired center and zoom of the map by enabling the Add center and zoom to sharing link

The related available options allow the user to:

  • Center the shared map to specific coordinates by typing them in two different formats (Decimal or Aeronautical that can be chosen through the button) or by clicking on the map to set automatically the coordinate fields.

  • Share the map at a specific Zoom level (Min:1 and Max:35), Heading (Min:0° and Max:360°), Roll (Min:-90° and Max:90°) and Pitch (Min:-90° and Max:90°)

Advanced options for sharing GeoStories

In case of GeoStories, enabling the Advanced options in the Share tool the user can include the following to the share URL:

  • The Home button to allow the possibility to bring the user to the MapStore Home Page if needed: that button will be automatically included in view mode inside the story toolbar just beside the navigation bar.

  • The scroll position allows to share the URL of the current section of the story visualized by the user